When Takers Become the Status Quo

March 28, 2013 — Leave a comment

You can either be a maker or a taker.

You can be someone who chooses to make the world around you a better place, or a person who expects the world around them to give them a better life.

If you have more makers than takers in your country, business, church, or team you will flourish. If you have more takers you will sink.

Takers do the bare minimum, they never innovate, they simply get by.

Unfortunately it often seems like takers have become the status quo in our world. Most people would rather be given something, then give to something. It’s a mentality birthed out of selfishness, and fed by consumerism and individualism.

Every once and a while I get a glimpse of true makers. People that believe they can actually change the world.

“The people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are often the ones that do” – Apple Ad

Can you change the world?

Are you a maker or a taker?

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